Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Life with no "better half"

A few of the new articles from the Journal of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood have been posted online by Sovereign Grace Ministries. One article that I recommend any single female to read is the Carolyn McCulley article "When You Don't Have a Better Half: Encouraging Biblical Roles as Single Women."

Here's a few excerpts from the article:

"I’m not called by Scripture to submit to all men, just my non-existent husband. But along with all believers, I am also called to submit to and obey my parents (Eph 6:1–3). And my pastor (1 Peter 5:5). And my boss (Eph 6:5–8; 1 Pet 2:18). And my governing authorities (Rom 13:1; 1 Pet 2:13–17). I’m also called to intimacy within the body of Christ (Heb 10:24–25), where my femininity is supposed to make a contribution to God’s purposes (Titus 2:1–14). But in a broader sense, the fact that I am a woman should flavor all my interactions."

"My prayer is that I can make a small contribution for the benefit of my single sisters in Christ."

Be a Help

"The Bible makes it clear in numerous passages that as Christians we are all here to serve."

"One opportunity is on the job. Whether with subordinates or superiors, we can emulate our Savior by being oriented to helping others—but this is especially important for our immediate bosses."

"This helper concept can extend to friendships, as well. We can express our femininity by encouraging single men to lead activities, while offering to assist them."

The Importance of a Question

"One of the best ways to serve men in any of our relationships—romantic, platonic, or professional—is to ask questions.

"I have to work very, very hard at killing the pride that motivates me to make pronouncements rather than to ask questions as a helper. But the reason questions are so important is that they position us to serve and counsel to men, and therefore leave room for them to make decisions and lead."

The Learning Curve for Leadership

"All that being said, we need to remember that there is a learning curve for leadership, just as there is one for “followership.”"

"There is a learning curve for leadership— and it requires grace and faith from young women as these young men grow."

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