William Cowper has become one of my favorite authors this past year. Recently I was listening to a
biography John Piper delivered about William Cowper and became more acquainted with this man whose hymns I sing, yet knew very little about. I sat down this evening to read through some of Cowper's works from the
Onley hymns and was hit with the truth that is contained in these poems and hymns.
Here's just one of the hymns that Cowper wrote that I really enjoyed.
The Heart Healed and Changed By MercyWilliam Cowper
Sin enslaved me many years,
And led me bound and blind;
Till at length a thousand fears
Came swarming o'er my mind.
"Where," said I in deep distress,
"Will these sinful pleasures end?
How shall I secure my peace
And make the Lord my friend?"
Friends and minister said much
The gospel to enforce;
But my blindness still was such,
I chose a legal course:
Much I fasted, watch'd, and strove,
Scarce would show my face abroad,
Fear'd almost to speak or move,
A stranger still to God.
Thus afraid to trust his grace,
Long time did I rebel;
Till despairing of my case,
Down at his feet I fell;
Then my stubborn heart he broke,
And subdued me to his sway;
By a simple word he spoke,
"Thy sins are done away."