1. Don't give into regret.
- Don't be paralyzed with "if onlys"
- rest in God's sovereign wisdom
- The God who forgives also restores, rebuilds, and reconciles
- Don't allow self to look at our communication struggles as giants that cannot be defeated.
- We are recipients of grace that abounds wherever sin does.
- Trouble does not mean that God has forsaken us.
- God's power is not only in us, but at work in us!
- What fruit is produced by your communication?
- "For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks"
- People and situations do not cause us to speak, we do!
- What specific sins of communication is the Lord calling me to confess to Him or to others?
- We need to be willing to let go of another's offense before God.
- We need to be willing to forgive anyone who comes seeking it.
- A specific commitment to a new way of speaking needs to follow sweet obedience of forgiveness.
- Situations you once dreaded now become opportunities to experience the enabling grace of the Lore and exercise newfound character and obedience.
- it is folly to speak in haste
- think before we speak!
- One sure sign that we have not really understood the gospel is when we continues to be afraid of, discouraged by, and unwilling to accept our weaknesses.
- Christ came precisely because we are weak!
- We can commit ourselves to the courage of honesty.
- We need to commit ourselves to the humility of approachability.