A few years ago now I made a list, a list of what I would look for in a man that I would want to marry. Not the type of list I would have made in my early teen years...tall, dark, handsome....yeah you know what I am talking about. And a list that is more than just the obvious (at least obvious for me)...that he's man and a Christian. But a list coming mostly from scripture...I don't have the list any more, but to recall a few...
He loves his wife as Christ loves the church – Eph 5:25
He should love their wife as their own bodies – Eph 5:28
He'd live with his wife in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel 1 Peter 3:7
Then there were other qualities – not necessarily given in scripture as addressed to husbands but more general...
A man of prayer
be in accordance with sound doctrine
sound in faith, in love, and steadfastness
And the list went on...But when I was thinking back on the list this week I was convicted. Convicted that I need not be focused on searching for this man who fits the description or try to make a man fit that description and trust that the Lord would bring him if the Lord wills.
Rather, I need to focus on becoming a godly woman and wife. What are those things that I should be learning or reinforcing in my life that that will lead to that? So I began to prayerfully think on this and journaling my thoughts, some of which Lord willing I will be posting in the coming days.
But here me say, I am not erasing from my mind that list that I had written out about what type of man I want to marry. I still will use that as I do want to get just caught up in a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship but because I am interested in getting to the man God had placed in my life and see if he may be that one who embodies these biblical characteristics.