Monday, December 25, 2006

A Christ-less Christmas?

As a believer, it is hard for me to ignore the birth of Christ our Savior this Christmas. Yet this Christmas has come and almost gone without much mention of Christ. Yet much conversation focused on Santa or figures of Santa and snowmen, Christmas trees, who's getting what gift and how much it's worth, and the few times the Lord's name was mentioned (in conversation) it was being used in vain.

Even in one of the church services I attended Christ's name was mentioned, but all that was said about our savior's birth was "I'm glad we know the reason for the season." No mention of what that reason mention that Christ's birth would be followed by His death that would save all who would believe from the penalty of their sin.

But this Christmas I am happy to be back in Wisconsin spending time with my family and my church family. I am grateful for my pastor at my home chuch who shared with us on Christmas eve morning about God's gift of His Son. And mostly grateful for Christ who chose to leave heaven, become a man, and bear the wrath of God meant for us (the sinners) which we totally deserve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN AMEN!!! We too were Blessed @ Trinity Lutheran w/ a message from our senior pastor that told the real Reason of the Season. He told the Christmas story through the eyes of a shepherd w/ amazement + thanksgiving in his heart. Amazement that he was witnessing prophesy fulfilled + thanksgiving for the King that would save the world through His own death. Death on a cross to cleanse us all...
You are right, Jamie. This crazy "politically correct" world takes more + more away from the true meaning of Christmas --- people being more worried about offending each other than about watching people descend into hell. I have struggled immensely this Season at my school, where we are no longer "allowed" to say Merry Christmas nor have a Christmas party. It must be a "holiday" greeting and party instead. Of course, I could not do that + so was reprimanded for my being "too visibly a Christian". okay then. You can only imagine my disheartened spirit === more sad than anything === as I have been teaching @ this same school + having Christmas parties for nearly 30 years. Ironically, our school was closed early so we will be having a New Year's party instead. Christmas Blessings to you + yours, Jamie + safe travel back to Lakeshore.