Sunday, July 06, 2008

Summer's reading list

This summer brings many volunteers to Lakeshore, praise the Lord, and the recent building of my house has allowed me to spend several hours working towards it's completion, which doesn't leave for a whole lot of extra reading time. But that hasn't stopped me from buying more and trying to finish the ones already begun and start a few more before I purchase even more.

Recently Started

Save Me From Myself – Brian Welch

An Autobiography of Korn ex-band member who was graciously saved from the wrath of God and out of the rock and roll and drug addicted lifestyle.

A Bright Red Scream – Marilee Strong

From the book's back cover: Why do some people need to inflict pain on themselves?? At least two million Americans, and millions more worldwide, are cutters - notably, the late Princess Diana. Yet, the reasons behind the need to self-mutilate are profoundly complex and largely misunderstood. Marilee Strong shatters the stereotypes and dispels the myths surrounding the phenomenon of self-mutilation and gets to the heart of the matter by way of her subjects. The voices of cutters themselves, combined with Strong's own astute observations, make for an unparalleled exploration of the disorder that has been called the “addition of the nineties”.

The Gospel According to Jesus – John MacArthur

From the books flap: Is it possible to accept Jesus as Savior while refusing to accept him as Lord? Can someone truly believe without actually repenting? How do obedience, commitment to Christ, and turning from sin fit together with the truth that we are saved by grace through faith alone? MacArthur carefully answers these questions in light of Jesus' own ministry – that a humble spirit of unconditional surrender to Jesus' rightful authority as both Lord and Savior is the ver essence of genuine faith

Recently finished

Humility – CJ Mahaney

God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble. Mahaney writes on the struggle every believer has at one point or another, pride. Mahaney uses scripture to teach on the subject of pride, in light of glorifying God.

A Gospel Primer – Milton Vincent

Vincent stresses the importance and the benefits of the practice of telling the gospel to yourself daily. He lists many things that the gospel does including :

  • The gospel serves as the means by which God daily constructs me into what He wants me to be...
  • The gospel slays sin at the root and nullifies sin's power over me
  • The gospel reminds me that my righteous standing with God always holds firm regardless of my performance
  • On my worst days the gospel encourages me with God's unrelenting grace toward me
  • God deliberately designed the gospel in such a way so as to strip me of pride and leave me without any grounds for boasting in myself whatsoever.

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