Tuesday, February 15, 2011

God is Still God and God is still good

About a year ago I shared a video of Zac Smith, a man who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer [God is God, God is Good] and his testimony of life, cancer, the lessons God was teaching him.

Now a year after his death, his wife shares her encouraging testimony of hope through her husband's death and the promises of God

A Story | Tears of Hope from Adam Kring on Vimeo.

"God is not a God of chaos, he doesn't just throw stuff to us in our lives then walk away. He has a plan for us, we might not always understand that plan, but we know it is good."

"I do know that I will praise God because through cancer, and death, and grief, God is still God and God is still good. To God be the Glory"

1 comment:

Paula said...

This so touched my heart Jamie. Thank you for posting it. Of course, you know that I identify w/ Mandy as my Barry went to be w/ His Jesus this past September. We miss him terribly but know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was also healed at that exact moment by Jesus' Precious Stripes just as Zac was healed.
God is Good ALL the time.
ALL the time God is Good.